Fish Fillets 2 (PC) Steam Key

Kód: 10000045698002
€2,83 €2,36 bez DPH
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Detailné informácie

Podrobný popis

In this underwater puzzle game you control fish secret agents Max Flounder and Tina Guppy.
Seemingly a common case turns into a tough fight with a mysterious enemy and the strings appear to lead pretty high. Fortunately, you are not alone. Cool crab brothers, a retired agentess, lost baby seahorse and peculiar pair of snails - all of them will join you to help you to discover the evil one. You will need all your wits if you want to win!

Key features

    • Unlimited gameplay 
    • 100+ mind-boggling levels based on simple, yet interesting mechanics. 
    • Funny story told by animated sequences. 
    • 3,000+ professionally dubbed comments and dialogs. 
    • Lots of bonus stuff to be found and unlocked by the player. 
    • Three unique playable characters: agents Tina and Max + crab Virgil.
    • Dozens hours of gameplay for whole family! 
    • Best solution challenge at 
    • Send your score to internet chart and compare to other players. 
    • Includes Level Editor - allows fans to create new mission and campaigns that can be used in the game.
Release date: 2007-04-05

InterfaceFull AudioSubtitles

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Hry
Digitální platforma: Steam
Typ distribúcie: elektronická
Vydavateľ: Bohemia Interactive
Procesor (minimálny): P4 2GHz
Grafika (minimálna): 256 MB
Pamäť (minimálna): 512 MB RAM
Miesto na disku (minimálne): 650 MB

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